Natalie Hart

Newman won’t table garden report

Controversy over the new Graceville community garden continued to rage at last week’s Brisbane City Council meeting, with rebel councillor Nicole Johnston repeatedly asking the administration to table a report on the garden. The 33-page report was funded by Council and prepared by the Benarrawa group, a small community-managed organisation based in Graceville which supported […]

Community garden wins battle to open

After more than a year’s planning and despite opposition from the local councillor and some residents, the community garden in Faulkner Park Graceville will officially open today. The site (pictured) was chosen from several possibilities in the area because of its location and accessibility to the Benarrawa Community Development Association. Graceville community garden committee co-ordinator […]

Paniyiri Festival draws record crowds

Queenslanders flocked to the Paniyiri Festival in record numbers over the weekend to enjoy all things Greek. More than 75,000 people attended the two-day event compared to last year’s attendance of about 45,000. About 30,000 people went to the Festival on Saturday alone, a 40 percent increase on last year’s attendance for the same day, according to marketing consultant Lorraine Monsorte.

Escape hatches for turtles boost prawn trawling industry

A device (pictured left) that lets turtles escape from prawn trawling nets has opened the way to increased overseas markets. The United States’ granting of export accreditation to Queensland prawn trawlers would open a vast export market according to Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin. Mr Mulherin said the new accreditation meant Queensland’s trawl fishers were now […]

Bias in mobile phone study affected cancer link – expert

The largest international study carried out to date into mobile phones and brain cancer found no conclusive evidence of a link between the two. The University of Sydney’s lead Australian author of the Interphone study Professor Bruce Armstrong said some bias within the study meant a definitive link could not be proven. “My take on […]

Births, deaths and marriages to go digital

Plans to digitalise six million records relating to births, deaths and marriages in Queensland were announced in Parliament yesterday by Attorney-General Cameron Dick. Mr Dick said that it was a significant milestone. “It fulfils a commitment made in last year’s budget when the government committed $20.8 million over five years to digitalise paper records,” he […]

Only one in five have swine flu shots

Queensland Health figures show about 20 percent of the state’s population have had the Pandemic H1N1 influenza (human swine flu) vaccine this year. Queensland Health public affairs advisor Kerry White said the department was recommending it to everyone older than six months of age. ”More then 872,000 (have been vaccinated) on latest figures,” he said. […]

Review: The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco

This is a raucous play about the depraved and crazy antics of a flatshare in Brisbane.

Hats hats hats at QAG

Hats, hats and more hats, in every shape, style, colour and size imaginable. If this sounds like your idea of heaven then head to the Queensland Art Gallery, where the exhibition Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones, is currently running. The exhibition is a collaboration between London’s Victoria and Albert museum and one of the […]

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