Two rail corridors to service coal mines
The State Government will restrict rail services to new and existing coal mines in the Galilee and Bowen Basins to only two corridors.
Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney told Parliament the plan would replace the eight railways proposed by the previous government.
There would be an extension for the east to west corridor on the existing QR National network from near Moranbah to the central Galilee Basin.
Mr Seeney, who is also Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, said this would provide links between the coal ports of Abbot Point, Dalrymple Bay and Dudgeon Point.
There would also be a north to south rail corridor along the proposed Hancock Coal alignment to help construct the new standard gauge rail lines.
“This outcome is a win for the mine proponents, local communities, landholders and the environment,” Mr Seeney said.
He said the corridors would be the only areas where the State Government would use its power to compulsorily acquire land for the new rail lines.
“The government’s power of compulsory land acquisition can be exercised to bring about our clearly stated policy outcomes of a
coordinated approach to railway development,” he said.
Options would be there for other mining companies within the north to south corridor to co-locate their own new railway lines.