Disasters ‘prove importance of public broadcasting’
Natural disasters proved the importance of public broadcasting, Queensland Governor Penelope Wensley said in Brisbane last night.
Opening the Media Leadership in Crisis, Disaster and Emergency Conference, Ms Wensley said Queensland’s 2011 disasters proved the critical role of public media, when the Australian Broadcasting Corporation played a major part in informing people of flood and cyclone developments.
She said no-one could have imagined when the conference theme was chosen that in 2011 Brisbane “would become a case study of just how important a public broadcaster is in times of emergency and disaster when people need a trusted and reliable source of information”.
British Commonwealth broadcasters from Botswana to the United Kingdom have sent delegates to share their experiences and to discuss improved responses to emergencies, crises and disasters.
“Not only you, the participants, but governments and communities all around the world have an interest and stake in the outcomes of this conference,” Ms Wensley said.
On Monday journalism students will attend a media masterclass with Sally Sara, ABC’s former Afghanistan correspondent.